Friday, November 13, 2009

Where All the Teachers At?

(yes, Katie, I did that to make you cringe.  HUGS!)

So on my other blog there's been a comment posted (anonymously) saying that you shouldn't teach preschool kids to read.  That it will just "happen on its own".

So all my teaching in-laws need to weigh in, because I didn't know there was any sort of controversy over WHETHER to teach children to read.  Unless one of you were the ones that posted the comment.  If so, you need to fess up :)  'Cause I care what you think, and I ain't gonna be mad! (I'm so excited to see you at Thanksgiving, Katie!)

OH!  And I changed the requirements to post on this blog.  You can do it without any sort of login.  So feel free to converse.


  1. you teach your toddlers to read? are you one of those new age mommas? and claire's pretty- why bother w/books? seriously, teaching your kids to read is probably going to turn them into intelligent and interesting people- shame on you!

  2. what do you know. you're only 3/4 of a lawyer. :P

    you remember the dora vanity claire has that talks? gary said "i expect it to say 'math is hard' any second"

    ok, gotta go. we have scheduled hugging of trees in 3 minutes.

  3. Um yeah....I was cringing the whole time I was reading that post. Ouch..... my heart is (Random funniness though: One of my students thought it would be a burn to call me Mrs. Shakespeare yesterday. I explained that since I'm an English teacher, he actually complimented me. He was very disappointed.....) I really don't know much about infant/toddler development since all of my educational training was focused on adolescence. I just can't imagine NOT teaching your child to read though.

  4. Laugh, Katie! I spent a bit trying to figure out how to spell "ain't" :) I will trade you a random funniness for yours. The whole family was at lunch today with another couple and their daughter. I heard James say "Our neighbors in Texas" and tell some story about Sunray. I went, "What? Where do you think we are?"

  5. well the reading will come on its own but at any age they are ready to learn about letters etc... will help them to learn earlier
