Thursday, May 7, 2009

New Location, Same Great Kids

Since my website host doesn't seem to want my money to renew the domain, or I just don't care enough about the domain to jump through hoops to give them money, here's where our little family has landed - Shouldn't be too hard to remember or bookmark. I'll slowly be adding a history of pictures, which won't be difficult - only time consuming. So until I get that finished, I picked a random picture from the past. Here's 8/11/07 from the Iowa State Fair.


  1. Found your new website on Facebook! LOVE IT! :) I hope that you guys are doing well.

  2. i hope today is better. i told jason i have to be rich b/c i really need a personal assistant. mostly, i just hate the grocery store and am too lazy to figure out on-line delivery (and mostly i won't figure it out b/c it would involve making a grocery list which will Never happen- which is why i need an assistant;) and i don't even have kids! yea for the new blog- good job supermom!

  3. I remember that day well. I remember a conversation from the day before on the phone when I said, "Guess who's birthday it is" and you said "Who?"

  4. I did NOT forget your birthday, I was in a stressful situation and I was momentarily disoriented.
